The unique whiteness and density of mould proof putty can save 25-30% paint consumption per unit area compared with ordinary putty wall.
The unit price of mould proof putty is 1-2 times of that of ordinary putty, which is also a factor affecting the promotion of mould proof putty. However, the decorative effect of mould proof putty is far from that of ordinary putty. From the comprehensive calculation of the amount of paint, the cost of putty and construction cost in the second decoration process, the use of mold putty is more cost-effective. Matters needing attention when polishing mould proof putty because mould proof putty has high strength and high glue, it is more difficult to stir and scratch than non mould putty. The strength of anti mold putty is also higher than that of non mold putty, so it will be more difficult to polish.